Netatalk 3.1.7 SRPM for Fedora and CentOS

用CentOS 配置 TimeMaChine 服务器


Netatalk 3.1.7 SRPM for Fedora and CentOS – Netatalk Wiki


At least, “rpm-build“, “gcc” and “make” packages are needed.

# yum install rpm-build gcc make

Install the SRPM.

$ rpm -ivh netatalk-X.X.X-XXX.XXX.src.rpm

The following messages don’t have a problem.

warning: group hat does not exist - using root
warning: user hat does not exist - using root

Build by using “rpmbuild” command.
If “error: Failed build dependencies: zzz” is displayed, execute “yum install zzz“.

$ cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/
$ rpmbuild -bb netatalk.spec

Install or Upgrade

Install by using rpm” command.
If “error: Failed dependencies: xxx is needed by…” is displayed, execute “yum install xxx“.

If you install the netatalk for the first time, use “-i” option.

$ cd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/XXX/
# rpm -ivh netatalk-X.X.X-XXX.XXX.XXX.rpm

If the old netatalk already been installed, update by “-U” option.

# rpm -Uvh netatalk-X.X.X-XXX.XXX.XXX.rpm


Check features and paths, using “afpd -V“.

$ /usr/sbin/afpd -V
afpd 3.1.7 - Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) daemon of Netatalk

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
version. Please see the file COPYING for further information and details.

afpd has been compiled with support for these features:

          AFP versions: 2.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 
         CNID backends: dbd last tdb mysql 
      Zeroconf support: Avahi
  TCP wrappers support: Yes
         Quota support: Yes
   Admin group support: Yes
    Valid shell checks: Yes
      cracklib support: Yes
            EA support: ad | sys
           ACL support: Yes
          LDAP support: Yes
         D-Bus support: Yes
     Spotlight support: Yes
         DTrace probes: Yes

              afp.conf: /etc/netatalk//afp.conf
           extmap.conf: /etc/netatalk//extmap.conf
       state directory: /var/netatalk/
    afp_signature.conf: /var/netatalk/afp_signature.conf
      afp_voluuid.conf: /var/netatalk/afp_voluuid.conf
       UAM search path: /usr/lib64/netatalk//
  Server messages path: /var/netatalk/msg/

In case of EL6, Spotlight is not supported.

Setting Up

Edit “/etc/netatalk/afp.conf“.



    basedir regex = /home

[Test Volume]
    path = /export/test1

[My Time Machine Volume]
    path = /export/timemachine
    time machine = yes
    vol size limit = 512000

It’s recommended to enable extended attributes of filesystem. You can check it by “getfattr” and “setfattr” commands.

If you use ACL, you shoud check it by “getfacl” and “setfacl” commands.

If these are disabled, use “tune2fs” command or edit “/etc/fstab” file.


/dev/sdc2    /mountpoint    ext4    defaults,user_xattr,acl    0 2

You should check firewall. AFP’s port number is 548. Zeroconf’s port number is 5353.

You also should check SELinux. SELinux may interfere with operation of D-Bus.

Enabling and Starting

You must run Avahi ahead of Netatalk.

Fedora and EL7

# systemctl enable avahi-daemon
# systemctl enable netatalk
# systemctl start avahi-daemon
# systemctl start netatalk


# chkconfig avahi-daemon on
# chkconfig netatalk on
# service avahi-daemon start
# service netatalk start

Spotlight Feature

Fedora and EL7

If you use Spotlight feature, set “spotlight = yes” in [Global] section.

There is a bug.


This package does not support Spotlight because there is no Tracker package.


Jason Lin


《Netatalk 3.1.7 SRPM for Fedora and CentOS》上有1条评论

  1. root登入不上,需要创建用户。


    [My Time Machine Volume]
    path = /export/timemachine
    valid users = tc
    rwlist = tc
    time machine = yes
    vol size limit = 512000

    [root@netatalk ~]# groupadd -g 50000 tc
    [root@netatalk ~]# useradd -u 50000 -g tc -s /usr/bin/false -d /home/tc tc
    [root@netatalk ~]# passwd tc

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